save file to <steam>\steamapps\common\Reflex\base\internal\ui\bonus
and then enable it ingame via options
⇒ widgets
show the gain/loss of speed as bar
spec only - show the stats of all players
Configurable two-line armor bar
config options
Configurable two-line health bar
config options
Based on TurboPixelStudios WeaponRack
implemented options menu including hideable melee weapon
config options
last update: 2015-04-18
You can make snapshots of game states.
You can persist and recall them via the widget options menu.
Super handy for developing widgets (tdm etc)
Following properties are handled:
- world
- clientGameState
- playerIndexCameraAttachedTo
- playerIndexLocalPlayer
- showScores
- players
- pickupTimers
currently a bit crappy, will be way cooler when you can configure it
Displays the 400ms DoubleJump window visually as growing bar over time
with a nice top and bottom black line
config options
last update: 2015-04-18
mini scoreboard
shows the keys you are currently pressing (also works while specing)
shows your speed as bar
displays infos about all your team members
last update: 2015-05-02
visualizes how much damages it takes to take you down
as single number and/or as part of a circle (full circle = 400)
config options
where are the sources?